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The Story

Welcome to House of Moedjito, a sanctuary where cherished values and timeless traditions reside

Step into the heart of a home once graced by Bu Moedjito—a stalwart figure whose enduring principles and unwavering love still echo within these walls. Discover an abode where her legacy of integrity, responsibility, and the joy of learning intertwines with the essence of family and togetherness. Join us as we invite you to not just stay but become part of a story—an experience inspired by her values, embracing each guest as a cherished member of our extended family


Story of Ibu Moedjito and
Her Enduring Values

In 1929, Bu Moedjito graced the world, becoming a beacon of strength and timeless values. Married to Pak Moedjito (left), their life journey through cities due to his work in the Police Institution became a testament to resilience and family bonds. Fondly referred to as 'Bu Moedjito' by colleagues, neighbors, and even becak drivers around her home, this nickname became her endearing identity in society.

An iron lady with eight children and nineteen grandchildren, Bu Moedjito lived by the principles of integrity, honesty, responsibility, perseverance, and a thirst for learning. Her home in Yogyakarta became a haven—a place where family gathered, relishing in simple joys during festive seasons, and cherishing moments that defined togetherness.

Her departure in 2007 left an irreplaceable void, but her legacy lives on. House of Moedjito stands today, a reflection of her values, adorned with the warmth and nostalgia of her home. Every corner whispers stories of her unwavering spirit and the cherished moments spent there.

Our Mission to Share
the Values with You

At House of Moedjito, we embrace the legacy of Bu Moedjito, inviting you to experience more than just a stay. Through her timeless values of integrity, responsibility, and the joy of learning, we aim to create a haven where every guest feels the warmth of family and the comfort of cherished moments.

As a tribute to the enduring family bond, each room at our guest house is designated with an alphabetical name from A to H, honoring Ibu Moedjito's eight beloved children. This legacy reflects our commitment to preserving the essence of family and togetherness, offering guests a unique and heartfelt connection to the heritage that defines House of Moedjito.


By honoring Ibu Moedjito's principles, we strive to offer an experience that transcends hospitality—a haven where every guest feels the embrace of tradition, the solace of a welcoming home, and the joy of shared moments.


Shared Stories, Shared Home:
Welcoming You as Family

We aim to extend a heartfelt sense of belonging that transcends the typical guest experience. It's not just about a temporary stay; it's about welcoming you into our home with open arms. We're eager to connect, understand your story, and create an environment where you don't merely feel like a guest passing through but rather someone coming home. Our care for people, particularly for you, is at the core of our hospitality. When the time comes for you to bid farewell, we hope that the feeling of being part of our family lingers, becoming a cherished memory that stays with you long after you've left our doors.

Leaving the House of Moedjito shouldn't mark the end of your stay; it's the continuation of a bond that transcends physical spaces. As you depart, we wish for that sense of belonging to remain etched in your heart. You're more than just a guest; you've become a part of our extended family. Your presence, your story, and the memories we've shared define the fabric of our home. Our aspiration is for you to carry that feeling with you, knowing that you always have a place here—a place where you're not just welcomed but truly belong.

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